Shopping according to what’s in season is a surefire way to get nutrient-rich and naturally grown produce. Being able to buy all fruits and vegetables year-round regardless of their season easily raises questions of their origin--how far has this produce traveled to get to your local supermarket? If your fruits and veggies have been grown using GMOs, then how does that affect nutrient content?

When you shop in season, you’re more likely to purchase food that is not only grown naturally but is also packed with nutrients. So, how do you shop in season?

First, you need to do some research of the produce that grows naturally in your area. You can find this from a swift Google search, or you can just shop at your local farmer’s market. Farmer’s markets are not only an easy way to buy what’s in season, but it’s also a great way to support your local farming community.

Although shopping in season rids us the convenience of buying our favorite fruits and vegetables all year round, you can look at it as an opportunity to get creative with cooking. When you shop in season, you may be introduced to produce you have never prepared before that could become your new favorite!

In general, the produce below thrive in the summer season, but depending on your area, you may not find all of these at your local market. Again, the best rule for in season produce is to just shop for what’s available at your local farmer’s market.

Sweet pepper

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