1. Lose weight
“This is the year I’m finally going to lose those 5 pounds!” No doubt many of us have heard (or uttered) those words. Resolutions regarding weight loss are common every year, hence the packed gym parking lots in January and February. In recent years, we’ve seen a shift away from the idea of “weight loss” in favor of embracing healthy lifestyles. For example, rather than setting your sights on those stubborn 5 pounds, you might focus instead on adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet or committing to adding 30 minutes of activity to your day. We think that any effort to improve your overall health is one to be applauded.

2. Save money
Most of us wouldn’t mind it if those pounds we’re trying to shed add weight in our wallets instead. The beginning of the year calls many of us to look back and assess not only our physical health but our financial health as well. January 1st is a great time to plan for financial success for the coming year. If you don’t currently follow a budget, now is a great time to get started. The simple act of putting pen to paper and determining where your money goes is both eye-opening and empowering and can help you make sound financial decisions all year long.

3. Career change
If you don’t find your career fulfilling, 2019 could be the year to make the change, as long as you plan ahead and make smart choices (see our previous point). Rather than making a knee-jerk decision with your current line of work, it’s worth asking yourself a few questions first. Consider what is driving you to leave and what needs your ideal new career would fulfill. Is it possible to have those needs met with a hobby? What skills might you need to develop before you make the leap? Perhaps you don’t need to make a life-altering change, just a few minor shifts.

4. Quit a bad habit
Smoking or excess drinking are some of the habits that many commit to changing as the new year begins, and we certainly applaud any attempt that leads to a healthier life. There are some bad habits that fly under the radar but can make a big impact on our overall health and wellness… things like social media addiction, unhealthy relationships, and an uneven work/rest balance. The new year is a good time to take stock of the habits that support our healthy lifestyles, and which ones we would be better off forfeiting.

5. Spend more time with friends and family
Time is fleeting and nothing forces us to face that fact like ditching last year’s calendar. If you want to focus on spending more time in 2019 with your loved ones, you aren’t alone. Spending time with loved ones can help support your mental and emotional health.

You don’t need a new calendar to make healthy lifestyle changes, but if a fresh start is what you were waiting for, now is your time! Whether you make resolutions or not, we hope your 2019 is filled with happiness and health.

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