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16 Results found for melatonin

A young boy laying on top of his bed with a tablet.

The Dos and Don'ts for a Good Night’s Sleep

Transitioning from summer fun to school schedules and new bedtime routines can be a tough and demanding task. Wasn’t it just yesterday that you were enjoying those relaxing summer days? Whether you’re ready or not, getting back into the school routine requires organization, time management and a consistent bedtime schedule. To maximize classroom success, kids need anywhere from 8 to 10 hours of sleep, and sometimes even more depending on their age.

A red coffee cup filled with coffee next to an analog clock and newspaper.

Daylight Saving Survival Guide

Mark your calendars and your clocks for Daylight Saving on March 11. At 2 a.m., the clock will jump immediately to 3 a.m., moving an hour of daylight from morning to night for the upcoming summer months.

Young lady holding a yoga pose seated on her bed.

Yoga Poses for Better Sleep

You’ve set and follow a bedtime routine, limited screen time before bed, and you’ve even added in a relaxing bubble bath a few nights a week, yet you still have trouble falling and staying asleep. Sleeplessness can be exhausting. Yoga can be a useful tool to add to your nighttime routine; in fact, certain yoga poses help you fall asleep quicker and sleep better throughout the night.

A woman waking up in the morning by stretching out her arms.

Creating an Environment for Better Sleep

Odds are, if you’re not able to sleep, it’s not because you’re not tired. There are a ton of environmental aggressors - including stress - that can affect how much rest you get.

A back view of a girl sitting on a dock looking out at the calm water.

10 Relaxation Tips to Incorporate into Your Life

Life gets stressful at times, so you can become physically, mentally or emotionally drained. Not taking the time to relax can affect your overall health and well-being. There are many ways to relax, and different things work for different people. Finding what works for you and following through with it, is the hard part.

Girl sleeping in bed in dark room

5 Ways to Achieve Better Sleep

Don’t fall asleep on your dream of sweet slumber! Here are five simple tips to help you find those coveted 7 to 9 hours of bliss.

Top view of luggage with ImmuBlast-C drink mix on top.

Go-To Supplements for Summer Travel

Vacations are back in full swing this summer! Whether you are going near or far - to the beach or to the mountains - you want to ensure you get the most out of your summer vacation, and that includes packing extra supplements! Here are 6 go-to supplements that may help you enjoy every second of that well-deserved time off.

Top view of kids sitting with notebooks and computers.

Supplements for Back-to-School Wellness

We aren't sure if it's the combination of fun notebooks and special pens, the changing seasons, or just the mere prospect of new beginnings, but preparing for the school year is always an exciting time. The fresh start puts an electric buzz in the air...that soon fizzles out once the schedule adjustments and strenuous coursework take their toll.

girl holding vitamin bottle and looking at phone

Penny Pinching Wellness - Don’t Sacrifice on Quality

Times have been challenging for everyone lately, unlike anything we’ve seen before. With the current state of the economy, goods have become more expensive than they used to be. That doesn’t mean you should put your health on the backburner, and you definitely shouldn’t sacrifice quality at the risk of your health.

A young boy laying on top of his bed with a tablet.

The Dos and Don'ts for a Good Night’s Sleep

Transitioning from summer fun to school schedules and new bedtime routines can be a tough and demanding task. Wasn’t it just yesterday that you were enjoying those relaxing summer days? Whether you’re ready or not, getting back into the school routine requires organization, time management and a consistent bedtime schedule. To maximize classroom success, kids need anywhere from 8 to 10 hours of sleep, and sometimes even more depending on their age.

A red coffee cup filled with coffee next to an analog clock and newspaper.

Daylight Saving Survival Guide

Mark your calendars and your clocks for Daylight Saving on March 11. At 2 a.m., the clock will jump immediately to 3 a.m., moving an hour of daylight from morning to night for the upcoming summer months.

Young lady holding a yoga pose seated on her bed.

Yoga Poses for Better Sleep

You’ve set and follow a bedtime routine, limited screen time before bed, and you’ve even added in a relaxing bubble bath a few nights a week, yet you still have trouble falling and staying asleep. Sleeplessness can be exhausting. Yoga can be a useful tool to add to your nighttime routine; in fact, certain yoga poses help you fall asleep quicker and sleep better throughout the night.

A woman waking up in the morning by stretching out her arms.

Creating an Environment for Better Sleep

Odds are, if you’re not able to sleep, it’s not because you’re not tired. There are a ton of environmental aggressors - including stress - that can affect how much rest you get.

A back view of a girl sitting on a dock looking out at the calm water.

10 Relaxation Tips to Incorporate into Your Life

Life gets stressful at times, so you can become physically, mentally or emotionally drained. Not taking the time to relax can affect your overall health and well-being. There are many ways to relax, and different things work for different people. Finding what works for you and following through with it, is the hard part.

Girl sleeping in bed in dark room

5 Ways to Achieve Better Sleep

Don’t fall asleep on your dream of sweet slumber! Here are five simple tips to help you find those coveted 7 to 9 hours of bliss.

Top view of luggage with ImmuBlast-C drink mix on top.

Go-To Supplements for Summer Travel

Vacations are back in full swing this summer! Whether you are going near or far - to the beach or to the mountains - you want to ensure you get the most out of your summer vacation, and that includes packing extra supplements! Here are 6 go-to supplements that may help you enjoy every second of that well-deserved time off.

Top view of kids sitting with notebooks and computers.

Supplements for Back-to-School Wellness

We aren't sure if it's the combination of fun notebooks and special pens, the changing seasons, or just the mere prospect of new beginnings, but preparing for the school year is always an exciting time. The fresh start puts an electric buzz in the air...that soon fizzles out once the schedule adjustments and strenuous coursework take their toll.

girl holding vitamin bottle and looking at phone

Penny Pinching Wellness - Don’t Sacrifice on Quality

Times have been challenging for everyone lately, unlike anything we’ve seen before. With the current state of the economy, goods have become more expensive than they used to be. That doesn’t mean you should put your health on the backburner, and you definitely shouldn’t sacrifice quality at the risk of your health.